In the Spotlight

Steve Wozniak Talks Disk ][

by paleotronic in Apple II 0

Paleotronic was lucky enough to be given the chance to have a chat with Apple co-founder and  engineer-extraordinare Steve Wozniak, who gave us a personal look into the development of the Disk II. I like talking about it, it’s a very interesting story, especially parts that are not so much told. [more...]

microM8 3D Apple II Emulator For Windows, MacOS and LINUX

RetroCoders are Better Coders™


Paleotronic Magazine takes an enthusiastic look back at the history of electronics, including computers, videogames and media, as well as its use professionally, in business and in industry. Along the way, we trace the roots of the devices and technologies which define our modern world. It’s education meets entertainment.

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turtleSpaces 3D Logo Interpreter

turtleSpaces is a new expanded implementation of LCSI Apple Logo II that features 3D OpenGL graphics, shapes, lights, cameras, location detection, multiple turtles and much, much more! Great for teaching kids how to code. Check it out at