The Oregon Trail of DEATH!
The Oregon Trail is an 3490 km route from Kansas City, Missouri to the Willamette Valley in what was the Oregon Territory, now Oregon State. The trail covers the modern-day American states of Kansas, Nebraska, [more…]
The Oregon Trail is an 3490 km route from Kansas City, Missouri to the Willamette Valley in what was the Oregon Territory, now Oregon State. The trail covers the modern-day American states of Kansas, Nebraska, [more…]
(Editor’s Note: David has also created a ZX81 version of Tut-Tut which is available from his blog: https://www.zx81keyboardadventure.com/2019/10/zx81-game-tut-tut.html) It’s coming to the end of 1921’s digging season in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Your excavations have [more…]
While the Internet would eventually bring computer-based telecommunications to the masses, by the late 1980s more tech-savvy individuals were already meeting new people and having all sorts of discussions ‘on-line’ – and in some cases [more…]
Our ninth instalment of our 12 Years of Retro-Christmas visit to the past includes the Nintendo Entertainment System (it really became popular in 1988!), Mario, all sorts of arcade games like Afterburner, and the Korg [more…]
Yo Ho Ho and a Box of Copied Floppies! Here be a proverbial rogues’ gallery of clippings just in time for Hallowe’en from 1980s computer magazines such as Byte, Analog, Creative Computing, CoCo Mag, Computers [more…]
In the 1960s, the BBC experimented with the idea of broadcasting a newspaper to hard-copy printers in homes during the early hours of the morning. It worked by rasterising (converting into lines) text, sending it [more…]
RPGs, no, it’s probably not what your thinking of – rocket propelled grenades. Although those kind of RPG’s sure are cool and a very useful weapon in today’s current gaming environment. What RPG stands for [more…]
One of the original televisions offered for sale at the start of UK television service in 1936, the Marconi model 702 had such a long cathode-ray tube that it needed to be stood on end, [more…]
©2018 Paleotronic Magazine. Editor: Melody Ayres-Griffiths editor@paleotronic.com