Steve Wozniak Talks Disk ][
Paleotronic was lucky enough to be given the chance to have a chat with Apple co-founder and engineer-extraordinare Steve Wozniak, who gave us a personal look into the development of the Disk II. I like talking [more…]
Paleotronic was lucky enough to be given the chance to have a chat with Apple co-founder and engineer-extraordinare Steve Wozniak, who gave us a personal look into the development of the Disk II. I like talking [more…]
What do Steve Wozniak and George H.W. Bush have in common? They’ve both been seriously into Tetris! But who can blame them? The object of the game (as if you didn’t know) is to complete [more…]
Our Apple II emulator microM8 has recently added alternate font support, and includes additional “Fancy” and “SciFi” fonts to add an additional stylistic element to classic games. Check out this presentation of Zork I in [more…]
Most emulators work by running everything through a single “loop”. This makes sound emulation easy because everything is synchronised. However, microM8 doesn’t operate this way. Each component of microM8 (video, sound, CPU) functions on its [more…]
©2018 Paleotronic Magazine. Editor: Melody Ayres-Griffiths editor@paleotronic.com