Steve Wozniak Talks Disk ][
Paleotronic was lucky enough to be given the chance to have a chat with Apple co-founder and engineer-extraordinare Steve Wozniak, who gave us a personal look into the development of the Disk II. I like talking [more…]
Paleotronic was lucky enough to be given the chance to have a chat with Apple co-founder and engineer-extraordinare Steve Wozniak, who gave us a personal look into the development of the Disk II. I like talking [more…]
Why did you choose to start aggressively de-protecting, archiving and re-distributing Apple II software? It’s tempting to rewrite history and give myself some noble purpose for starting this hobby, but in this case the truth [more…]
Art group Mistigris is famous for its Hallowe’en and Christmas packs. We had a chat with its founder, Rowan Lipkovits aka Cthulu, about how the group started, its resurrection, and why it’s still going almost [more…]
Brøderbund Software Inc. was founded by brothers Doug and Gary Carlston in 1980 after Doug had written Galactic Empire, a space strategy game, on his TRS-80 (retro-trivia: many of the locations in the game have [more…]
Paleotronic had the great fortune to chat with Atari 2600 developer and Imagic co-founder Rob Fulop about life as a rockstar videogame developer in the early 1980s, and what came after. We’ve read in other [more…]
Paleotronic had a chat with prolific teletext artist Steve Horsley, aka Horsenburger, about how and why he got into teletext art. Thanks for agreeing to answer our questions! When did you first encounter teletext? What [more…]
Richard Altwasser is a British engineer responsible for the hardware design of the ZX Spectrum. After graduating from Trinity College, Cambridge with an engineering degree in 1978, he was hired by Sinclair Research in 1980. [more…]
Stewart Cheifet is an American television presenter best known for his work producing and hosting the 1983-2002 PBS series Computer Chronicles, which covered the Consumer Electronics Show on multiple occasions. Paleotronic reached out to Stewart [more…]
Background While the SID chip in the Commodore 64 was a classy piece of tech, it was really complicated to program. If you were a budding musician but not a serious chip hacker, your options [more…]
Visitors to the Commodore booth at the 1986 Consumer Electronics Show were not only introduced to the newly restyled Commodore 64C and GEOS, but also a colourful new information service called Quantum Link. Typical 1980s [more…]
©2018 Paleotronic Magazine. Editor: Melody Ayres-Griffiths editor@paleotronic.com